Delivery Policies
Our standard build time is 7-10 working days, then two working days UPS anywhere in the UK. The rest of Europe is 3-5 days UPS, and can be up to seven working days in some places. That means you can expect to receive your order sometime between 10-14 working days from the date you place your order. We ship using UPS throughout the European Union.
Refund / Return Policy
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase you may return the items for a full refund (excluding custom products) within 30 days. We require customers to pay for roundtrip shipping – the cost to send products to you and the cost to ship returns back to us. The entire purchase price of the products will be refunded as soon as we receive the panels.
Cancellation Policy
United States and Europe
Customers are free to cancel their order at any time prior to shipping with no penalty of any kind. Please email [email protected]